Benefits Of Hiring Lawyers For Workers Compensation Cases

Work Injuries: Can You Work And Get Benefits At The Same Time?

by Marilyn Olson

It is possible for a worker to receive workers' compensation benefits and work at the same time, but there are certain considerations and regulations that may apply. Before you consider a job after a work injury, it's advisable to educate yourself and speak to a workers' compensation lawyer. Below are some key points to understand about this issue. 

Partial Disability Benefits 

If a worker sustains a work-related injury or illness that results in a partial disability, they may be eligible for partial workers' compensation benefits. In this case, the worker may be able to return to work in a limited capacity or with certain restrictions while still receiving a portion of their workers' compensation benefits. In some cases, however, the wages earned will reduce the worker's income.

Vocational Rehabilitation 

In some cases, workers' compensation programs offer vocational rehabilitation services to injured workers. These services help injured employees transition back into the workforce by providing job training, education, or assistance in finding suitable employment. During vocational rehabilitation, the worker may receive both workers' compensation benefits and wages from the new employment. Vocational program requirements vary by state.

Return-To-Work Programs 

Some employers have return-to-work programs in place, which aim to facilitate the return of injured employees to the workforce. These programs may involve modified or light-duty assignments that accommodate the worker's restrictions or limitations. In such cases, the worker may receive wages from the modified work duties and potentially receive reduced workers' compensation benefits to account for the difference in income.

Reporting Requirements

It is essential for workers to comply with reporting requirements and communicate any changes in their employment status or income to the workers' compensation insurer or the appropriate authorities. Failing to report work or income accurately could result in legal and financial consequences. It's advisable to stay in communication with your employer and the workers' compensation insurer. 

Potential Impact on Benefits 

The specific rules and regulations governing workers' compensation benefits vary by state. In some cases, the income earned from work may impact other benefit programs like Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). It is important for workers to understand the regulations applicable in their state to ensure compliance and avoid potential issues.

It is also advisable for workers to consult with their employers, their workers' compensation insurers, and legal professionals to understand the specific rules and requirements regarding working while receiving workers' compensation benefits in their situation and area. Speak to a workers' compensation lawyer to find out more. 
