Not being able to work because of illness or injury is a terrible experience that leaves you feeling powerless. It's even worse if it's because of a work-related injury. But if this is the case, you may be entitled to worker's compensation. Speak to a worker's compensation attorney at a law firm like Mordhorst Law about your illness or injury to find out if you might be missing out on benefits that you're legally entitled to. Some of these benefits could be lost wages or the cost of your medical bills. If some of these criteria apply to your case, then you might meet eligibility requirements for worker's compensation.
Your Company Carries Worker's Comp
If your company carries worker's compensation and you were injured on the job, regardless of who was at fault, then you should be covered. If your company or employer does not carry worker's compensation insurance, they might still be legally required to under law, which would mean that you're still entitled to benefits. This would be a great time to check with a worker's compensation lawyer.
Most Injuries Are Covered
If your injury or illness is job-related and/or it happened on the job, it most likely can qualify you for worker's comp benefits. For example, if you were in an accident while driving for work or you slipped on a wet floor, you should be eligible. When people think worker's comp, they usually think about injury; however, chronic illnesses can develop as the result of unsafe work conditions. A cleaning staff member who develops asthma because of poor ventilation and the use of strong chemicals could qualify for worker's compensation. Even mental illness can be covered if it developed out of a work-related trauma. This is common for police officers and others in high-risk professions.
Injuries Can Happen Anywhere
Injuries that occur to and from work or on your lunch break are not usually covered under worker's comp. However, that does not mean that injuries must happen at work in order to qualify you for benefits. Traveling for work, telecommuting, and attending an office party are just a few of the ways you can be injured while away from the office and still be covered.
Medical bills can be outrageous, and most people can't afford to miss more than a few days of work. So if you suspect that you might qualify for worker's compensation benefits, you should get in contact with an attorney immediately.